Tuesday, August 26, 2008

four months later


Summer has been great. Lots of things blog worthy, but you know me and blogs. I can't stay faithful to one for very long.

Just a brief run down of my travels this, summer of 'o8.

The moot.

The first event of my summer and what a major one it was. Flew to Colorado Springs with my dear friend, Nikums. Stayed with strangers from the interweb for two weeks.

Here's are some memories from the moot, frozen in photographs. (click to bigify)

san francisco.

From Colorado, I flew, by myself, to LAX, and then connecting flight to Oakland, where my parents picked me up, we went out do dinner, and then went deep in the heart of old San Fran to our old hotel.

A cafe we adored and went to very often. :) (viva la france!)

Can you tell we're still waking up? Haha, this is what you call a candid shot. "wuh?"

Both these pictures make Cafe Trieste look uncrowded, but that's a lie. That place is Hoppin'. big time.

a small part of the view from my shower's window if you lean out past your waist. which requires you to lay across the window sill and balance because you can't touch the floor.

new mexico.

My high school group went to Glorieta, New Mexico for a week for summer camp. It was wonderful. The eighteen hour bus ride, there, and then another one back, were full of great conversation and new friends.

Interesting, quick little story. I was set to room with two strangers, freshmen, none the less, and worst of all, the sort of people where the two of us would have very little interest in each other. When I finally got to my room, they had already swapped one of the places with their friend and were eyeing my spot greedily. I gave it to them without hesitation, along with my keycard, and just left my suitcase in the hallway of the time being.

JuEunhae was to room with two people we both new well from Grace, but she didn't particularly care for either of them, and we really wanted to be together. So she added her luggage to mine in that, remote hallway, and the two of us spent a good portion of that first evening asking if anyone would be willing to let us room in their room, even considered just sleeping on the couches in the lobby! (But the staff were starting to catch onto us, both bucking our pre-ordained rooming assignments. so we had to go covert.) We stopped asking, and just went back to my building. (yes, i was set to room in not only a different room, different section, or different floor than everyone from my church, i was put in an entirely separate Building!) Turns out, the room across from my original room had lots two of it's three inhabitants, so we just moved in. The third girl eventually left too. So it ended up being just the two of us, JuEunhae and Julia, in a room neither of us were supposed to be in, in a building surrounded by strangers, so no staff were nearby and no one every knocked on our door and told us to be quiet because it was WAY past lights out.

It was awesome. The best possible situation we could have asked for. Thank you, God. =]

(btw, it turned out almost all the girls on our team (who were not from our church) were rooming just down the hall. they were all younger girls, some even in jr. high due to their parents being on staff. and they attached themselves to junebug and i and wanted to be with us a lot. it was the first time junie and i had been instant role models like that. and it was really neat. so much responsibility. them always asking our opinion? listening to what we said so intently, and watching, watching, watching us. it was a good thing, that week. for all of us. we grew up a lot.)

JuEunhae and I also happened to be placed on the same team. And our team won out of all eighteen. Which is a lot of stories as to how that happened which I won't bore you with reading but, just know it was a great, great team. So many amazing people.

My seat on the bus, being confiscated by John Bierhorst. (He was so tired, poor thing.)Note the "brown towel-blanket of awesomeness". Luv that thing.

mcgrath state beach.

I got to camp out for four four days on the beach with Samantha. It was great. Some really neat stories from that. (mucking through tarpits, scaring all the birds out of the forbidden tern nesting grounds, wading through rushing waters of unknown depth, with, crunky unknown things at the bottom.. finding two separate lost rings on a sandy beach in the middle of the night, what some would call a miracle, me not bringing hardly enough clothes, boogie-boarding so deep you can't touch the ocean floor, waking up at sam's house with THREE little boys staring at me from the doorway. loosing badly at Seven-Up, but having a lot of fun. folding clothes at one in the morning and watching a really, girly movie together.)

But alas, no pictures yet. I didn't bring my camera, because I made sure she brought her dad's really nice Nikon D50. And there are some great pictures on that so, soon we shall have them.

Here are some! More, better ones to come. Jumping pictures that are Not of the first day of our trip. Since all these were.. (we had a majorly eventful first day. dying seal, oil slick/quicksand, peeing pants. oh yeah.)

This was the seal, which we rescued from the ocean, only to have it die in our arms. It appeared to have a broken neck, poor dear. We only hope she didn't have a pup out there looking for her.

Check back!