Saturday, December 13, 2008

So..College and Christmas

College. You know how sometimes you write a word and it looks really weird, even though you've seen it a bajilion times. Yeah well, just then, college had way to many L's and looked more like cologne in my mind, for some reason. ANYWAYS.

College. This being my senior year, I was supposed to be frantically writing essays and applying to multiple colleges, sending out the "best" of me in little paper packets, hoping to impress. Well, being me, I didn't do anything. As a result, I've missed all deadlines and will have to resort to community college for my freshman year. Wooooh. Meanwhile, my darlingest, JuEunhae, has successfully applied to 13 universities, most of them IVY league and UC's. And with her SAT scores, she'll doubtless have the problem of which to pick, when the acceptance letters come flooding back.

But I'm okay with all this. So, I'm a bummer stuck at the local community college with all the illiterate 40-somethings, trying to make a "fresh start". I get to be a minority, one of the precious few white people on campus, and I don't have tattoos, smoke, or use fowl language. Gasp! I even go to class most of the time!

:] I really like junior colleges though. The really wide variety of students, all ages, ethnicities, and capability levels. It's kind of a fun atmosphere. Exciting and unique. Plus, I don't know about regular universities too well, but I've always been able to get to know my professors at Valley (that's, the local community college) as well as I'd like to. And I've taken them aside for talks whenever there was great need. They're usually really neat people, I think. They rather reflect the student body in their diversity.

Plus, and this is a big plus, community college is way easy. Way easy compared to uni. or any private school. The students are so badly off most of the time, it's hopeless for the professors to expect much. So I can really sluff my way through. Get by with little to no studying. Don't waste the money on buying books..Oh! And there's another plus, money! Community college is mega cheap. Woot woot!

So, there you have it. Just a few of the good things I love about community college. There are others. Like, the really outdated, retro campus. Where none of the chairs match and the color scheme is bleak. Or how all units are transferable, and the schedule is designed for people who are working full time, so you can take pretty much anything at night if you need to.

Perhaps my favorite thing though, is my silly belief that true genius can be found in the junior college. There's a long and reasonable explanation for this belief, but I've already gone on about junior college for long enough.

So, Christmas.

I'll make this really short.

My family's spending Christmas day at home this year. (YES!! HALLELUJAH! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) Which should be very nice indeed. (Means we decorated, full out. Garlands over every mantle, archway, doorway, and big bookshelf. We're doing the tree tonight. :D) And then a few days after that, I believe it is, we drive up to Washington, Right, on the border of Canada, to chill with my uncle and aunt. (they've a lovely spot on a peaceful lake so it should be very peaceful and lovely) (i guarantee while we're there though, it won't be so much peaceful as it will be full of laughter and story telling.) And then at some point we're driving up to Canada, (and here's where I get real fuzzy) and spending some time in Victoria and Vancouver Island.

I'll be out of the country for New Years. This, at first, bothered me. But then I remembered, New Years is a holiday that's celebrated all over the planet, and in pretty much the same way so, I shouldn't be missing anything at all. :)

I leave you with a quote.

Hmm, but that would require another explanation. About how I'm sick. And lay bundled up with the cat on my lap last night while Jenny put the tree up by herself. And how I read her some of her 42 pages of class notes on the transcontinental railroad, highlighting the stuff relating to agriculture in green. And how halfway through I read the date, September 23, 2008 (the day of class that the next section of notes was taken on) and went..

"Wait, that's kind of modern, isn't it?"

And I forget the rest. So, nevermind.