Wednesday, July 28, 2010


well, i'm afraid i'm enthusiastically chasing another frivolous concept. we'll see how long this endeavor lasts. i've actually admired this concept for about as long as it's existed. but always from afar. and i know my family will disapprove if i go and spend any significant amount of time or money on delving into a fantasy world of any kind. but i have a feeling they will take to it rather kindly indeed if i am mild and conservative in my outward display of this new style, and frame it more as a unique opportunity to hone my currently limited sewing skills. i've always wanted to do a bit of costuming as it is a)fun, b)quality time with my mom who is a fantastic seamstress, c)practical knowledge for when i have lots of little boys outgrowing pants every other week, and d)a more useful investment of my time and skills than say, sitting here blogging about steampunk and oogling over my googling finds of men in pinstripe vests.

so yes, steampunk, as the title says. here's a brief snapshot of what this style entails, for those of you unfamiliar.

awesome looking fellow. love the hair. and love that he's asian. it always gets me more when the person doing something outlandish is not only of the male persuasion but also descended from such a traditionally conservative culture. it automatically puts much more conviction and dedication behind their choice to make such a statement, because it's not built into their instincts to just rebel and join a subculture for the popularity or "uniqueness" of it.

anywho, i distract from the real subject. his clothing.

obviously, steampunk is a "retro" (as in Victorian era) theme with a science fiction twist. "what if the technology we had now was available back in the 1800's?" "what if steam was still the chief method of producing power?" it's fun because you not only get to wear bustles and boots but goggles and gears for jewelry and other such, "mad scientist-y" details.

i'll post a picture when i have the first rough version of my outfit and/or character.