Thursday, May 1, 2008

"are you the one who threw that ball at me?"

"that's not gunna work."

I'm going to hug her on Sunday, and make friends.

He said I only made friends to feel better about myself. So, I sprayed him with the hose. So, he grabbed the hose from me and aimed it at my head. And we laughed at our wet selves. And he apologized a lot.

A few minutes later he came back with a large, absoultely perfect dandilion. "Don't think anything special by it." A few minutes later, I went out to make a wish with it where he could partake as well. But on the way I was attacked by a bumble bee, or as he corrects me, a wood bee. Even worse. They think I'm a flower. So, after the scary dance to get it out of my hair, the perfect dandilion was ruined. But he said it would still work for wishes, so I wished. : )
The garden is beautiful. So green and wet. Like a rainforest.

Once, I killed over sixteen snails in one night. Once, I blew out over a hundered candles in one night. Once, I found a bunch of feathers stuck all in the ground and everywhere in the east portion of my garden. I never did find the body. Suspect it was eaten whole.

The feathers are still there.

He defended the beans. But rather lazily.

He says it's more fun to work with someone there to talk to. But no. No can do.

Rhyming sessions rock. He wrote an ode for her, and when he was finally done making it up, she answered with a one line killer back. "Ooo, touche." We don't know how to write it in order to say it.


Flynn The Hard Way Lastname said...

Ooh, stream of consciousness. Kinda Konfusing, but fun fanyways. I like the's coolio. Also? I like the Dandelion tale. Sounds like something that would happen to Mohamed Ali.

Noelle said...

Um. Ok?

julia said...

i sense much distaste.

:p yay, nikki's here again.

Noelle said...

No, just confusion. O_O

julia said...

woah!! she posted *again*!! :O

i am serisouly wowed.