Thursday, January 1, 2009

projekt 365!

EDIT: good gracious those photos are small. click on them to enlarge!

where we post one picture a day for a year, and thus immortalize countless memories and learning experiences. Documentation of one of the crucial early development stages of my life, and captured moments of beauty.

without further ado. my new years eve night.

hello, odd numbered year! i do so love you.

so we start out with this photo. it's a new year in the life of our planet and our species; what do we do to commemorate? flock to the streets of the largest urban center in your country and stand around in crowded groups of kissing thousands. all night. rather odd i should say. i do like that this year, times square had hand written messages of 'hope and love' on the millions of pieces of confetti they shoot out.

the news lady person had a neatish new years resolution: to change clothes. it was a quick, put-down response to her overly flirtatious co-worker. i don't know what it was, maybe they're all just excited boys? but one of the reporters on the ground was equally awkward and inappropriate with a fellow news anchor. inviting her to a "private party, in the back of my car"? on national television?? no thank you. poor woman.

maybe they were all a tad tipsy is what.

speaking of tipsy, that nine looks an awful lot like a seven, does it not? or perhaps, a deformed cause ribbon. like the pink ones you see in grocery store check-outs to remind us of the horribleness that is breast cancer. either way it's an odd number so i'm down with it.

okay, this whole, new years eve summation has revolved around the tele and has been rather downer in attitude. that should tell you two things about my new years eve celebrations. they were uneventful, and depressing. right you are!

i was babysitting my nephews while my brother and his wife went to some young couples party and stayed out all night. it was cold and lonely and i wanted very much to go home and sleep.

today was nice though! my family is always fun to hang with and hang we did. yey to the USC Trojans for winning the Rose Bowl! yey to Buddha for having a belly! yey to homemade bread for going moldy abnormally quickly! and yey to mawther for being the way she is. i like you all so much, my family.

now, i go to bed. but first a charge to you, my readers, to keep me at this for the next three hundred and sixty-four days. and also to keep me from spending quite so long in posting the daily post as i did today. i'll have to only take one picture a day, so as not to give cause for having to choose.

that's something you can learn about me. i take forever to make decisions. like my mawther. the crab. cancer! capricorn! steam! oh my!


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