Saturday, September 12, 2009


i am so mad at myself for not doing projekt 365 this year. my life is amazing! and one i would thoroughly enjoy reading about after the fact, plus, for my kids sake, a record is always nice. but alas, i have zero diligence in this life, and very little motivation.

But moping, melancholy regret aside! Better to start now than never. But forget about expecting pictures every day..

So, to catch you up a bit. I've graduated from high school and started my first year of college as an actual college-aged student. Still at LAVC (Los Angeles Valley College) but am taking, like, eighteen? units this semester so, pretty full load.

Speaking of which, I need to make this brief as tomorrow is shot with Sunday matters and I have a Chemistry quiz on Tuesday, and a wee bit of Trigonometry homework left that I didn't manage to finish during class.

But! School, yes. It's wonderful. I'll catch you up on it more during next week as each class unfolds day by day.

Today, Saturday, I got to drive for the first time. Took the truck, my fav vehicle out of the five that we currently own, around the neighborhood a HEAP and then out into the busy, crowded, madness (except not really) of inner city Van Nuys. And I'm just going to make this clear now, I am a stellar driver. Didn't even need to be taught, right from the getgo I was quick, smooth, and stopped without being harsh on my passengers. My left and right turns stay within my half of the road, I signal, I don't slow down ridiculously when I'm turning without a stop sign, it's all good.

One of the places I drove to was the asian market within walking distance of my house. Bought a lifetime supply of steamed buns (bbq pork, beef, and chicken varieties). They were a wee bit on sale so, I am justified. I love exotic food.

So. Yup! That's that. I also drove through Carl's Jr.'s drive-thru just to show Ramoneo I can drive good.

Well, I've gotta run. There's a lot more to tell though.. OH! I forgot. Like, the stranger cat who walked into my house and is bursting with kittens. She's taken a strong liking to me and my bed. Right now she's lying here, next to the lappy. Because I got strict and stopped letting her lay ON, the lappy.. Pregnant cats are heaavy. anyways. exciting stuff.

Peach out, y'all.


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