Thursday, September 24, 2009

it's a small world!

my friends at valley this semester (so far):

Pagah (indian)
Ulga (eastern-european)
Aniat (Armenian) *barely speaks english*
Mohamad (Algeria) *immigrated less than two years ago*
Eugene (Russian)
Cloe (Macedonia)
China (China)
Valeria (south American)
Frank (Hispanic)
Ginger (Jewish) *Ginger is my nickname for him, he's got super red hair)
Ammin (Afganistan) *lost an arm during the war fighting for the U.S. as a requisitioner)

And this is just the end of week two. My word. :)

I seem to give off two impressions to people in class, 1) that i know what i'm doing, so they ask me questions and make me go first. and 2) that i'm foreign myself! wish i was. though, this is the best country to be born into. but i definitely want to travel, people.

at 9.15pm tonight, in room BHS 100, we bent time.

it was awesome.


okay so, today in chemistry i had another quiz. it went very well. eugene asked me for answers, i said no way. immediately afterwards he turned his in and asked again and we found out he got it wrong. poor sucker. look for the results on monday, or actually probably tuesday.

i need to stop coming late for this class btw..

and in dance we started a new combination with 32 beats of improv at the beginning. fun.

in the math lab, two jewish young men made me laugh at their crazy bike-accident stories. the best of which took place in israel only a little over a year ago. but surprisingly, i got all my homework done, save the last problem (sorta)(but that's okay.)(it was done, it was just done wrong and i didn't have time to fix it before my next class but, siever didn't notice.)

then tonight at math 240 we had our first test. 43 problems in one hour. it was a breeze. but i love our professor. after his five minute warning is up, he starts a ten second countdown, at the end of which, if you still have not laid your test on the counter, you start loosing points majorly. awesome! i love this guy. but, i'm going to have to really keep on top of my stuff so that i can get each problem done in 60 seconds or less. that's fast for me. but i can do! woo hoo

yeah so, as i sorta mentioned earlier, mohamad and i were talking tonight again and i found out he just moved here a short while ago, though his english is so good. his father is a U.S. citizen and he wanted his son to get his higher education in this country, understandable. so now mohamad has a permament residency. his calculator and his shoes are still foreign brands. :]


i realize i haven't posted the last two days so, i'll just catch you up real quick.

tuesday. meh, i can't remember so it is insignificant. though it was the first debate meeting of my life, bungalow 24. woot. and i was handed a new topic by duane for informative speaking. (the advancing ultra-sound technology and it's affect on the right to choose)

wednesday was exciting. i froze through every class but it was hot outside. but that's not what made it exciting.

in theatre? i borrowed stephanie's sweater and curled up in my upholstered chair but still froze, and afterwards, andrew said he'd bring his jacket for me next week. and we all went "aaw!" haha he's still walking me across campus.

theatre was exciting because we started acting, the entire time. and i was this really mad, strong, old lady, and it was very hard. i could do a much better job but, you feel rushed when you're standing in front of forty people, trying to read and move and speak at the same time. the subtle differences of tone, volume, and stance are lost. yet our professor stops me every two seconds to make me repeat. dude, it's a cold read! very frustrating. but i like the challenge.

oh, and josh miller has secretly referenced me in his lectures twice in a row now. it's awesome. "i was just walking with someone..." "i was invited to my coworkers church and..." i like josh. but he hasn't successfully "got at me", try as he might. ;)

well, goodnight. i must do dishes. and clean my room. and eat! yey, eat.

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