Friday, September 18, 2009

"love means you never have to say sorry"

total lie. i hardly even get that quote. after awhile of thinking, yes, i see what they're trying to say.. when you truly love someone, you accept them for who they are, don't judge, but graciously bear their faults. and all that is well and good. but being in love with someone, as the one who is doing the faulting? you should WANT to say i'm sorry, want to make things right, feel bad about hurting them, and try to change your ways.

anyways, i don't want to preach tonight, it's one in the morning. but that's okay! because tomorrow is friday and i can sleep in, as my dad keeps pointing out. though not too much because i want to clean house and pack well before five when jenny and i head out for biblestudy retreat with CSUN.

i didn't really want to go to retreat. i mean, there's not a whole lot in it for me, strategically speaking. i'm not part of the biblestudy, i won't be until next semester, if then. i don't surf or do well in the sun period, and it's a beach thing.. but i'm not opposed to going, by any means. and i will make fun out of it and enjoy myself.

this is actually the first time a retreat has fallen during a period of my life when i am chaotically busy and a retreat from the normal schedule might be super appreciated. that is, i'm hoping it is indeed restful. physically and mentally! as well as spiritually. though being chaotically busy always helps my spirit more than anything... when i read on the schedule we'll be getting up to surf from 6-9 every morning before breakfast i wondered about the physically restful bit. but it would be cool if i learn how to surf. while i'm still a southern califonria babe.'s rally weird to refer to yourself as a babe.

i am not a babe.

we'll say hippie instead.

though i'm technically not a hippie either. but how's this for qualification points? i smelled bad in trigonometry class tonight. i sat next to one of my four new friends in that class, a biology major who looks like a music major (long hair, skinny arms, nice, protruding nose) named mohammad, and at one point i pulled my knee up and hugged it for a few seconds before deciding.. if could smell that repulsive odor from my jeans? he most certainly could too.

these jeans smell bad no matter how much they were just taken from the shelf. i keep my jeans on a book shelf. it started after high school summer camp back, three years ago i think it must be now. they got super muddy in an epic game of something or other. and covered in nasty moldy caf. food. but the odor never washed out.

they look like hippie jeans too, cuz the wholes are shot in both sides and there's a big, homemade flower print patch on the left knee.

trigonometry class was fun, as always. prof. siever told us fifty-five minutes after our three and a half hour class starts, that he "actually has something he needs to go to" and we're dismissed. incredible! i love this guy. such a great professor. and the first ever, by my experience, to schedule personal appointments during his official class time. ("pardon me, folks, i gotta dash off now. there's this..thing. see you next week!")

yes so, my late night math buddies are: olga, the pretty, sensible, even voiced and confident A-student who always stays very late, later even than me, to do her homework, there's pagah, a cute, hard working, question asking, young lady who strikes me as part hindi? but she's not as dark as most indians and her facial features are a little less striking. she's very nice.. and then mohammad, with his loose button downs, and, of course, the slightly strange astronomy enthusiast who gives me the eyes and tries to impress us with the occasional profanity. i didn't notice until to night that his arm is completely covered in vibrantly coloured but very ugly tatoos. like this pathetic two dimensional rattle snake? if you're going to get a the money to have an actual artist put something permanent that you won't mind looking at for hours of your life. also, i noticed just tonight that one of the A-students from my geometry class last semester is in this class too. i'll have to say "hi" to her next week.

i didn't mention his before but, in lab on tuesday? for chem. eugene discovered he was pushing the wrong exponent key for all his dimensional analysis problems and therefore missed every single question on the quiz, save one. giving him the grand total of five. (i got 28, out of thirty. yey.) he was a good student about it and redid it immediately, explained to the professor, but found no relief or sympathy within our hard nosed, purely logical mr. fickel. he said he'd just drop this quiz and do better from now on and that was the end of that but, he ditched wednesday and today so..i'm worried. he better not drop-out on me...

we're supposed to get our monologues in the mail this week, for acting. i hope mine's sad.

well, i want to go floss and sleep now. but if you know anything on proven risks in the use of nanoparticles in commercial products, please, by all means, let me know A.S.A.P. my speech could be so much more convincing if someone actually finds a significant, proven risk before i deliver. speeches warning against rampant successful scientific progress due to the unknown possible risks involved are way less exciting than, "hey, guess what? all those cosmetics and sunscreens y'all are using? and your vitamin supplements? and your sport tank? those are causing hexagons of silver to clog up in the cell membranes of your brain. you're all gunna die."

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