Sunday, August 31, 2008


I know that last one was long so I don't expect resounding support (okay, i lied. i do, but i know i shouldn't.) However, this one will be really short (comparatively) and I will do my best Not to mention Twilight ever. Not once. (btw, we need to have a conversation about how Bella--actually, we really don't. no, we definitely, do not. hmm..i think nikki will have to read this book... yes..) Anywho.


Actually, I don't have a lot to say besides Twi--Twin Towers..anniversary, is coming up. two weeks. Yup. Oh! And that reminds me. School starts Tuesday. I'm really glad because, a) school rocks and it's about time my delapitated mind was forced to work and, b) it will keep my mind off...things. Heh heh heh

Soooooooooo, anyone want to be a brave soul and ask--Funny thing is I'm having this exact conversation right now. Okay, I'm stopping now.

(And for those less intuitive minds, no, that was not about..a book. That one little, weird convaluted sentence up there.)

I think I'll end this now. It's sufficiently long to be a post. And has enough unfinished sentences to make up for the overall uselessness of the thing. I'm afraid nothing will make up for the silliness though. Apologies for that.

Oh, and I wrote a poem the other day. Rather nice I should think. Very interesting to read afterwards.

1 comment:

julia said...