Friday, October 10, 2008

make me a child of your peace

My boys will be ballerinos. :) Yes, they will.

So, tonight I had a bit of a date with Anna. We met outside of Starbucks in the Galleria at 6:30. Both as nervous as can be. Though, surprisngly enough, I think she was nervouser cuz her hands were actually shaking when she got her drink, and she never stopped fidgeting with her beverage sleeve the entire time (she had it folded up tight by the end). But we had a great talk anyways. Left a little after eight. I actually got picked up by my parents, last minute change of plans, and went to Hamburger Hamlet with them for dinner. So I am waaay stuffed. I need to loose weight badly.

Here are the promised pictures from this school year, taken just earlier this week. :)

Me looking weird in my bathroom-which-is-lit-by-very-yellow-light.

Looking strangely foreign, if you ask me. I like. But I don't like these pictures. I did when I took them, but you know me. So I won't torture you any longer with this batch.

Here's some from with my school pals from later that day!

We have trouble with the self-portraits. So, AJ helped.

That's Molly, Timothy, and myself. During PE. Which is when we go out back and play basketball and the girls whoop the boys.

Timmy aspires to be a runner in the Olympics. We're not very supportive. He has a very good heart though, and I'm glad to have him in our school.

Well, that's way enough pictures to update you of myself for now. Tata!

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