Friday, January 2, 2009

Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.

So Friday was great. We woke up horribly late, as is custom, and had potstickers, which was divine. Potstickers being one of my favorite foods. And then Jenny and I had a very pleasant "morning" in my room. Our joint efforts successfully collapsed a medium-sized, pale purple yoga ball, and inflated a largish, redish one. All the while burning cinnamon oil over candles on a stack of dry, old books (our non-flammable surface of choice). It smelled pungently.

Then we were surprised by the mail when Julia actually got something in the mail for once. And dad started opening it, all the while yelling that he was. I snatched it back to the room and opened it with my sister. Thanks, Flynn*! Wonderfully creative and personalized Christmas package. =D

He cut some cardboard so that, when folded, it would create this very uniquely shaped box. But before folding, he wrote a nice letter on the inside. Also inside, wrapped in facial tissue, was this.

A cute, tiny snowman snow globe with my name on it!

Thanks, Flynny.

After the hoopla of the package was mostly over with, we departed for a wonderful list of errands. If I recall correctly, they went, the bank, Whole Foods, Joann'S, Barnes & Noble, and Costco. We had a blast with all of those. Particularly the Whole Foods and the book store. Because both of those places are fascinating time consumers and we go rarely enough that they maintain special treat-status. Both are also unfortunately pricey but I had two gift cards at B&N so I bought me 'The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy', a collection of six of Douglas Adam's writings. I have not read any of the five part trilogy yet but I saw the movie and have studied up on the author and am quite positive I will love him. Actually, at the time of writing this, I have, in fact, read three and a half chapters of the first novel and do, in fact, love it.

My sister, Jennymae, put up a pretty picture of the two of us in the tea aisle of Whole Foods, for those of you who have access to her blog.

And speaking of her, she took this picture of me and the package to be today's projekt 365 photo.


Woah! I just noticed. I used capitalization for today's post! Baaaaad, Julia.

*Flynnburger Regal being my internet friend in Texas, whom I met in Colorado when we both flew there for twelve days.


JennyD said...

Does cinnamon = pungent?

julia said...

oh my gosh! comments! yey!